



Kartik Kurmy

This has been our experience that in every new law written, a new definition of a phrase appears to create another legal conundrum. Shortsightedness demonstrated by the drafts man has remained the sole cause of all mish-mash. Value Added Tax (VAT) is new to none of us. We have seen VAT in the form of Performa Credit Scheme, Duty Setoff Scheme, Modvat Credit Scheme and now Cenvat Credit Scheme. Some of the states already have Sales Tax Setoff scheme in place for selected items of input. We have seen Setoff in Entry Tax legislations as well. The phraseology "Input Credit " and "Capital Goods Credit" is now a part of ordinary parlance.





To cope with the technological advancements and economic development, new terms and phrases need to be defined from time to time. It is possible that a new phraseology or terms takes time to settle. But what is unfortunate is that in every new law written, the terminology that is already defined in some other law, is seldom referred to . Every time raw knowledge is used to redefine the term. Every time the wheel is reinvented to claim invention.

The definition of the term Capital Goods has traveled quite a long distances since 1994 when it was first introduced under Central Excise Rules, 1944(Rule 57Q to Rule 57U). The liquidity of the definition of Capital Goods in Central Excise Law has hardened over the years and now it appears that it is almost settled. Undoubtedly, the definition does not cover entire gamut of capital items but still it has a wide amplitude to bring about a substantial reduction in cascading effect of tax, the purpose it is meant for.

If we go through the draft Value Added Sales Tax Act of different states, we would see that no lesion is learnt from the past experiences of the Modvat/Cenvat Credit Law. If we simply take the definition of "Capital Goods", we would find that different states have different meaning for it. What are Capital Goods for one state may not be a capital goods for another. If we go through the Draft Value Added Sales Tax Act of Gujarat we find the draftsman has tried to steer the definition very close to the definition of "Capital Goods" as defined under the Cenvat Credit Rules, thus giving a tinge of maturity and far sightedness in dealing with a very litigatious issue. The definition reads as follows-

"Capital Goods" means-

    1. all goods falling under Chapter 82,84,85,90 and heading no.68.02 and

      sub-heading no.6801.10 of the First Schedule of the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985( 5 of 1986);

    2. components, spares and accessories of the goods specified at (i) above ;

    3. moulds and dies ;

    4. refractories and refractory materials ;

    5. tubes and pipes and fittings thereof ;

    6. pollution control equipments ; and

    7. storage tank, meant for use in the factory of manufacture and includes the equipment and appliances meant for use in an office.

The definition of "Capital Goods" as defined in Rule 2(b) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2002 reads as follows –

"Capital Goods" means,-

    1. all goods falling under Chapter 82, Chapter 84, Chapter 85, Chapter 90, heading No.68.02 and sub-heading no.6801.10 of the First Schedule to the Tariff Act ;

    2. Components, spares and accessories of the goods specified at (i) above ;

    3. Moulds and dies ;

    4. Refractories and refractory materials ;

    5. Tubes and pipes and fittings thereof ;

    6. Pollution control equipments; and

    7. Storage tank,

Used in the factory of the manufacturer of the final products, but does not include any equipment or appliance used in an office.

Thus, we see that the definition of "Capital Goods" as defined under the Gujrat VAST Act and the Cenvat Credit Rules is almost the same while the former is wider in amplitude.

The State of Gujarat, the country’s industrial leader, undoubtedly has set a right precedent for other states to follow. It is not a matter of doubt that gradually the definition of the term "capital goods" would converge to a definition which would be very similar to the one defined under Gujarat Value Added Sales Tax Act(Draft) for the solitary reason that it truly falls in line with the object and reasons of the VAT philosophy.

If we look at the definition of Capital Goods embodied in the draft VAST Act of the state of Uttarpradesh, we would see that there is a serious lacuna in the body of the definition itself. The definition reads as follows –

"Capital Goods- means plant, machinery, equipments, apparatus, components, Moulds required by a dealer for use in manufacture or processing of his own goods for sale by a dealer or for use in packing of such manufactured goods by such dealer whether sales of manufactured goods are made directly by the dealer or otherwise. "(emphasis added by author).

A close examination of the definition reveals that capital goods credit is allowed only to those dealers who are engaged in the manufacture of their own goods. A works contractor is not entitled to capital goods credit nor the manufacturer who has engaged the works contractor. It is the dealer who is entitled to the credit not the factory of the dealer. Had the factory of the dealer been made entitled, works carried out by the work contractor and any capital goods brought in use by him would have been entitled to tax credit either by the manufacturer or the works contractor himself provided it is used in manufacture.

In a particular situation, any capital goods bought out by the works contractor for execution of works contract of the manufacturer, where the "Tax Invoice" is in the name of the works contractor, the entitlement to "Tax Credit" would be lost.

Orissa, Kerala and Pondicherry have laid down monetary ceiling to further define capital goods. Capital goods costing less a certain amount would not be treated as capital goods.

State of Madhya Pradesh and Orissa prefers to treat only those capital goods as capital goods which are used directly in the process of manufacture while Uttranchal and Pondicherry remains bit liberal and allows "Tax Credit" even on those capital goods which are not directly used in manufacture. Some of the states have allowed Tax Credit on capital goods only if it is used in manufacture while some of the them have allowed tax credit even when it is used in processing of goods. There are yet another who allowed tax credit even on packing of goods.

There are certain state that has added additional condition that only those capital goods that are capitalized are entitled for "Tax Credit". Once we compare the definition of capital goods as given by Gujarat we would find that the definition as given by other States is blurred and would lead to litigations as is patent from the definition itself.

The new vistas of approach taken by different states to define different terms and phrases would keep "cut throat competition" among states alive and the killer instinct would prevail. Development of one state at the cost of other is likely to go hard so long as there is no attitudinal change in the approach taken by the draftsman. Homogeneous growth of states would remain a distant dream.

There is no fun reinventing the wheel.



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