

Time is Running out


S. Sridharan, VAT Consultant, Madurai

It is right time the Governments decide to act fast or face reality and postpone the introduction of VAT

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I have been keenly following the developments relating to introduction of VAT right from the time Maharastra, Tamil Nadu and a few other States experimented with introduction of VAT and either scraped or deferred VAT. No doubt those efforts were half hearted and no attempt was made to introduce a proper form of VAT. The so called VAT was more in the nature of a tax on "resale". Many dealers in Tamilnadu still think that VAT is a tax on resellers since the Government had introduced and later deferred VAT, which was only a tax on resellers. There is an urgent need for proper dissemination of information on VAT as proposed to be introduced from April 1,2002.





As a speaker at seminars organised for professionals and by trade associations in different parts of the State, I am fortunate to interact with fellow professionals as well as with the business community. Though the introduction of VAT is just 6 months away, the level of awareness of the shape of things to come is very low, even among professionals and some of the assessing officers.

Like most of you, I am trying to understand the implications of the introduction of VAT to replace the present system of levy of sales tax. I look upon the opportunity to write this column as a means to update myself and to share with you my impression. I do not intend to write on theoretical aspects of VAT, different forms of VAT etc. Let us leave such serious stuff to the economists and academicians. To put in simple terms, VAT is a multipoint levy with a provision to set off the tax paid on the purchase of Inputs.

Is the introduction of VAT a taxation reform or just a change in the system of levy of tax is a debatable issue. I plan to write more on this in my next article, " IS VAT THE IDEAL REPLACEMENT FOR THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF LEVY OF SALES TAX?".

All those who oppose the introduction of VAT should better face reality and focus their energies on implementing a practical VAT balancing the interests of Tax Administrators, traders, Manufacturers, exporters and the most important tax paying public.

Meaningful discussion and a clear picture will emerge only after the States announce the Draft VAT Act, the rates, the list of exempt goods, schedule of goods etc.


Based on the study of the information available, some the topics I have planned to write on are the following:

1.   Is vat the ideal replacement for the present system of levy of sales tax ?.

2.   Does the denial of input credit on interstate purchases violate the Constitution ?   

3.   VAT and exporters 

4.   VAT and manufacturers

5.   VAT and traders

6.   Deemed sales in VAT

7.   VAT and CST Act.


The important question at this juncture is, are the State Governments (except a few States like Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh) ready to implement VAT from April 1,2002. The tasks before the Governments are

  1. Finalise VAT policy.

  2. Issue discussion paper, consult trade bodies on VAT policy.

  3. Draft VAT Act, Rules and Forms.

  4. Issue discussion paper, consult trade bodies on Draft VAT Act, Rules and Forms.

  5. Enact VAT Act, Rules etc.,

  6. Educate trade by organising seminars

  7. Train staff on VAT rules and procedures

  8. Computerise VAT registration and assessment procedure.

Further the harmonised system of nomenclature of commodities is an essential prerequisite. The codification of the commodities as described in the present Schedules should ideally be made available for public discussion and finalised before introduction of VAT.


The trade has now been mentally prepared for the inevitable change over to VAT. What the trade is really looking for is sufficient safeguards, checks and balances to ensure that the interest of small traders is taken care of without casting any additional burden in terms of record keeping and supervision and inspection by officials. The traders do welcome VAT upto the manufacturing level. Even the introduction of VAT upto manufacturer's level without proper preparation will do more harm than good.

Several trade bodies have already organised conferences requesting for either postponement or opposing introduction of VAT on traders. There is real doubt on the preparedness of the Government to introduce VAT by April 2002. The Governments should clear the air by making definite announcement of its plans for VAT.

Most of the decisions relating to VAT like the threshold limit, list of exempt goods, should VAT be applied to traders etc., are more political decisions than administrative. Early announcement of the decision to implement by April 2002 will take a lot of pressure on drafters of the VAT law and the business community. I can imagine the predicament of those assigned with the responsibility of drafting the VAT Act.

Considering the level of preparedness of different States, the deadline of April 1, 2002 should not be considered sacrosanct. The tax administrators should desist from forcing any legislation without proper discussion with taxation professionals and the trade. Resistance to VAT from certain quarters is more out of fear of the unknown. Therefore, unless and until the State Governments do their homework properly and are confident of managing the change, the Governments should be candid enough to admit so and collectively decide to postpone the implementation by one year.

If postponement is planned, let it be announced early so that wasteful expenditure and human effort on opposing VAT may be harmonised to collectively prepare for the smooth transition to VAT.


If VAT is planned by April 2002,there is an urgent need to disseminate information on VAT and make available the draft VAT Act, Rules, Forms and procedures at least by 30th October 2001, so that a proper legislation can be finalised by December 2001 and implemented by April, 2002.

Thank you for being with me. I shall be back again next week on 21-09-2001. Please join me on 21-09-2001 for more. Until then BYE!



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