



S. Sridharan, VAT Consultant, Madurai

(This articles was published in September 2001. Please also read the  follow up article

 Input tax credit should be given on Inter state purchase)

The unique feature of VAT is that it envisages set off of tax paid on purchases. Ideally the source of purchase i.e. is the purchase from within the State or is it from outside the State, should not matter. However the States may not be willing to allow rebate of input tax paid on purchases from outside the State for obvious revenue considerations that the tax has been collected by another State.

If tax rebate is given only to Inputs purchased within the State, the question of discrimination under Article 301 and 304 of the Constitution has to be resolved.





Article 301 reads as follows:

"301. Subject to the other provisions of this part, trade, commerce and intercourse throughout the territory of India shall be free." 

Article 304 of the Constitution of India reads as follows:

"304. Restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse among States.- Notwithstanding anything in article 301 or article 303, the Legislature of a State may by law-

(a)   impose on goods imported from other States or the Union territories any tax to which similar goods manufactured or produced in that State are subject, so, however, as not to discriminate between goods so imported and goods so manufactured or produced; and

(b)  impose such reasonable restrictions on the freedom of trade, commerce or intercourse with or within that State as may be required in the public interest:

Provided that no Bill or amendment for the purposes of clause (b) shall be introduced or moved in the Legislature of a State without the previous sanction of the President."

The scope of Article 301 and 304 (a) have been considered by the Supreme Court on many occasions. The decisions in the following judgement will help better understanding.

1. Firm A.T.B. Mehtab Majid & Co. Vs. The State of Madras and Another -   (14 STC 355)

In this case the validity of a rule which provided for differential levy on Tanned Hides and Skins purchased from outside the State and on Hides and Skins Tanned and sold within the State, was under consideration. The levy of tax on tanned hides and skins purchased from outside the State was with reference to their sale price whereas the rate of tax on hides and skins tanned within the State was with reference to the purchase price of raw hides and skins.

The rule was struck down by the Supreme Court as violative of Article 301 and 304(a) of the constitution with the following observation: 

"...It is therefore now well settled that taxing laws can be restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse, if they hamper the flow of trade and if they are not what can be termed to be compensatory taxes or regulatory measures. Sales Tax, of the kind under consideration here, cannot be said to be a measure regulating any trade or a compensatory tax levied for the use of trading facilities. Sales tax, which has the effect of discriminating between goods of one State and goods of another, may affect the free flow of trade and it will then offend against Article 301 and will be valid only if it comes within the terms of Article 304(a).

Article 304(a) enables the Legislature of the State to make laws affecting trade, commerce and intercourse. It enables the imposition of taxes on goods from other States if similar goods in the State are subjected to similar taxes, so as not to discriminate between the goods manufactured or produced in that State and the goods which are imported from other States....".

2. Video Electronics Pvt. Ltd. and Another Vs. State of Punjab and Another   and other petitions - 77 STC 82

In this case the Supreme Court has given clear observations as to the circumstances in which a legislation will be considered as violative of Article 301 and 304 of the Constitution of India.

In this case the same rate of tax was charged on goods whether manufactured within the State or purchased from outside the State. However exemption was given to specify goods manufactured within the State for a certain period and subject to conditions.

The Supreme Court upheld the validity of granting of exemption for specified class of dealers for limited period subject to conditions.

"A backward State or a disturbed State cannot with parity engage in competition with advanced or developed States. Even within a State, there are often backward areas which can be developed only if some special incentives are granted. If the incentives in the form of subsidies or grant are given to any part or unit of a State so that it may come out of its limping or infancy to compete as equals with others, that does not and cannot contravene the spirit and the letter of Part XIII of the Constitution. However, this is permissible only if there is a valid reason, that is to say, if there are justifiable and rational reasons for differentiation. If there is none, it will amount to hostile discrimination".

The Supreme Court also made the following observations as to the circumstances which may amount to discrimination.

"The granting of exemption from tax by a State to a special class for a limited period on specific conditions, while maintaining the general rate of tax on goods manufactured by all the producers in the State who do not fall within the exempted category at par with the rate applicable to imported goods, does not interfere with the freedom of trade and commerce envisaged by Article 301.

If the power of granting exemption from tax is exercised in a colourable manner intentionally or purposely to create unfavorable bias by prescribing a general lower rate on locally manufactured goods either in the shape of general exemption to locally manufactured goods or in the shape o a lower rate of tax, such an exercise would be struck down by the Courts."

The denial of input credit on purchases from outside the State may be challenged by those opposed to VAT. The urgent need is to over come the constitutional constraint by suitable legislative changes.

What then is the alternative?

The discussion paper of Maharastra has suggested the replacement of the Central Sales Tax by a Central Purchase Tax to be levied by the importing State, and allow input tax rebate. This will need amendments to Article 269, Article 246(1) and an amendment to the relevant Entry 92A & 92-B of Union List (List-I) of the Constitution.

What is your suggestion?

I look forward to your views.

I shall be posting my views shortly.



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