

Insulate your business from VAT FRAUDS


S. Sridharan, VAT Consultant, Madurai

In this article the different types of VAT frauds encountered internationally, the type of trade in which it can happen, the possibility of the occurrence of the fraud in the Indian context and the steps that may be taken by the tax administrators to detect and prevent the fraud is discussed.

Trade and Industry should carefully study the penal provisions in the draft VAT Act to ensure that there are no provisions penalising a genuine dealer for the inability or the delay on the part of the department in tracing a fraudster.





I have received a number of mails from the users of stvat.com that international experience relating to VAT should be presented.

Study of International experience in implementation of VAT will definitely be useful to understand the experience of different countries in handling the opposition to VAT, containing inflationary effects of VAT immediately on implementation, Zero rating of goods and supplies, Tax credit for capital goods, concessions for retail and small traders, administrative mechanism, fraud detection etc.,

In most of the countries the VAT levy is on goods and services. Each country had adapted VAT as appropriate to the business and political environment in each country. The system followed in one country may not be relevant to another country. Though I have attempted to study the practices across the globe, say writing on "Flat Rate Scheme" or on "Cash Accounting" in the U.K. may not be relevant in the current Indian context.

The one area, I thought, may be of relevance to all of us, tax administrators, trade and industry and professionals, is the international experience in combating VAT frauds though it may be sentimentally inappropriate to write on VAT frauds when we are looking forward to the auspicious event of the successful implementation of VAT.

There are instances in the U.K. where genuine businesses have been charged with being a party to a fraud with huge demands being slapped on them to the point that if they fail to succeed in appeal, the businesses face imminent closure under the impact of the demand raised by the department.

VAT frauds will also impact genuine VAT registered business that may unknowingly be drawn into the vortex of ingenious schemes designed by organised fraudsters. It is therefore important for dealers also to be aware of the possible areas where fraud can occur so that they can be vigilant and do not unwittingly become party to an organised fraud as in the case of a "Missing Trader Fraud" or "Cloning Fraud".

The State Governments are currently involved in the design of VAT Information System for registration of dealers, processing of returns, MIS reports on potential areas of VAT leakage etc. I thought it appropriate to write on the important subject of Combating VAT Frauds/leakage so that they can take care to design the software to flash warning signals of a potential VAT leakage.

Self-Policing Mechanism of VAT may prevent frauds is a myth

A much professed benefit claimed for VAT was that it was ‘self-enforcing’ in a way that other indirect taxes were not. As VAT is paid at each stage of production, in order to claim credit for the VAT paid on its inputs against the VAT received on its outputs, a business would need to show, if required, that the VAT had been paid by its suppliers.

‘One man’s proof of purchases is evidence of another man’s sales.’ There would be no incentive for two traders to fail to invoice a transaction between them since the purchaser’s liability for VAT would be increased by the amount the supplier had not been recorded as paying. With an indirect tax levied at only one stage of production the whole of the tax is potentially at risk at that stage, whereas with VAT, theoretically at least, it is only the tax added at that stage that is at risk.

In the National Economic Development Office, Value Added Tax, (2 nd ed., 1971 HMSO, London) at p. 19, It had been recognised that there was scope for evasion even though VAT was held to be ‘self-policing’. Tax could still be evaded by failing to invoice final customers or tax-exempt purchasers and there was further potential for evasion in wrongly classifying untaxed and taxed goods. The report of the National Development Office also recognised that these possibilities would not ‘exhaust the ingenuity of tax evaders’.


The different types of VAT frauds encountered internationally may be categorised as follows:

1.  Suppression of Output:

This is a deliberate act of the VAT registered dealer to record all his sales. This is more prevalent in those trades where cash payment is common.

2. Under valuation of Output:

Undervaluation is the most infamous way of evasion. Here the unit declares a lower price than the actual price. This may again be done in two ways. Usually the taxpayer gets into understanding with the receiver of goods and a lower price is declared in the documents. The taxpayer may decide to totally ignore his counterpart if he is daring enough to forge documents and replace the genuine ones.

3.  Misdeclaration of Quantity

Misdeclaration of quantity is resorted to whenever there is little scope of under valuation and where counting or measurement of quantity is a prohibitively problematic task. The advantage is that (i) there is little scope of detection from documentary audit or scrutiny and so, (ii) once the consignment is cleared out there is virtually no way to establish that an evasion had been effected. Misdeclaration of quantity is a favourite form of evasion. Miscalculation may also take place. Straightforward error of calculation either in calculating the assessable value or the tax liability may be restored to by the taxpayer. Another way to evade tax liability may through forging of payment receipts for clearance.

Frauds under 1 to 3 above can be checked by framing proper rules regulating the Input Tax Credit that can be carried forward from one accounting year to the next. Under the draft VAT law of various States the dealer is allowed to carry forward the unavailed input tax credit in one tax period to the next. By suppression of Output tax payable by under invoicing, the input tax remaining unadjusted will remain inflated. At the end of the year the dealer will have an inflated input tax credit disproportionate to the input tax actually paid on the goods remaining in stock. The dealer may be required to file a yearly declaration of stock with details of input tax paid thereon and the input tax credit eligible for carry over to the next year may be restricted to the input tax actually paid on goods in stock.

4. Inflation of Input Tax Credit:

This is the device by which the dealer inflates the input tax credit through the use of false invoice to show non-existent or overvalued purchases.

Though filing of a stock declaration at the end of the year may partly check this type of fraud, the use of false invoice can be checked as discussed under "Missing Trader Fraud".

5. Export VAT Fraud or Export Diversion fraud:

The dealer applies zero rate for non existent or overvalued exports and claims refund but diverts the covered goods to home use. Basic consumer and luxury goods have been involved in such frauds.

This fraud can be checked only on an inspection of the documents filed in proof of exports.

6. Carousel fraud:

Essentially this fraud involves abuse of the exemption mechanism of the VAT system. It is reported that during the first half of 1998 EU Member States detected around 250 cases of such fraud (called carousel or IC-acquisition fraud) involving a revenue loss of around €500 million (an average of about €2 million per case). A point of particular concern is that, according to the tax administrations of EU Member States, the amount of tax defrauded in individual cases is growing.

Carousel fraud is the carrying out of repeated (cross border) purchase and sales transactions within a rapidly changing group of companies. The cross-border dimension means that VAT is not paid in the country of origin but the company in the country of destination disappears without payment of VAT. Usually an extensive and complicated chain of transactions in several countries is used to cover up what is actually happening. Carousel fraud is often perpetrated by criminal organisations and involves considerable losses to exchequers.

Carousel fraud involves the continuous movement of goods between co-operating traders in different EU member states, resulting in multiple tax losses.

The fraudsters often insert a series of companies into the supply chain to make detection difficult. Goods that are easily traded and have a high value and low transport costs, such as computer components and mobile phones, are particularly attractive to Missing Trader fraudsters. The goods themselves may remain in one place, but financial transactions give the appearance of numerous business purchases and sales.

A recent case reported in the "Guardian" (17th August, 2002) will help understand the modus operandi:

"The swindle relies on the European single market. No VAT is charged for trading between EU countries, and mobile phones are ideal for trafficking because they are in high demand, and easy to transport.

Fraudsters use a front company to import the phones VAT free within the EU and then sell them on to other traders in the UK charging VAT at 17.5%. The fraudsters pocket the VAT money and disappear. The amounts involved are enormous: £200m is not uncommon. In more sophisticated versions called carousel fraud, the phones are imported, VAT free, and pass through the hands of a number of companies.

Somewhere in the chain there will be a trader who disappears with the VAT money. Eventually, the goods are exported back out of the UK. Then they return, to go round again with a new missing trader. In some cases the mobile phones never move out of the warehouse. Only the paperwork shows movement. One criminal approached by Stoke fraudsters says: "They're called Basher companies - because they bash the VAT. Everyone's moving into it".

Relevance in Indian Context

India does not face the immediate prospect of facing Carousel fraud which happens due to the system of charging the VAT on Inter EU sale between different countries. Under the system in vogue, in the case of trade between two VAT registered dealers in different countries, the sale is zero rated in the exporting State and the VAT tax is paid by the importing dealer at the point of purchase. Input Tax Credit can be availed of the VAT paid on the imported goods when the goods are subsequently sold. In the case of export by a VAT registered dealer to a non-registered dealer, the exporting dealer bills the VAT.

In India, there is a strong lobby, which calls for making Inter State Sale Zero-rated. If that happens without a proper mechanism to track and monitor Inter State sale we may have to face similar frauds.

7.  Missing Trader Intra Community fraud (MTIC) or Acquisition fraud :

The dealer registers under the VAT, charges the VAT on his sale but disappears without sending any return or paying the VAT due.

Missing Trader Intra Community fraud (MTIC) exploits weaknesses in the intra EU VAT system and is prevalent in all EU member states. It appears to have started to escalate in the UK around 1998. The fraud involves obtaining VAT registration for the purpose of purchasing goods from a VAT-free source elsewhere in the EU, selling the goods at a VAT-inclusive purchase price, and going missing without paying the VAT. This is commonly known as acquisition fraud, and often involves items with rapid turnovers that are moved in high volumes, such as soft drinks and confectionery.

The pre budget report in the UK explains this fraud as follows:

In 2000/2001 UK revenue losses due to intra-Community missing trader fraud amounted to between £1.7 billion and £2.6 billion.

VAT Intra-Community Missing Trader Fraud is a systematic criminal attack on the VAT system, which has been detected in many EU Member States. In essence, fraudsters obtain VAT registration to acquire goods VAT free from other Member States. They then sell on the goods at VAT inclusive prices and disappear without paying the VAT paid by their customers to the tax authorities. The fraud is usually carried out very quickly, with the fraudsters disappearing by the time the tax authorities follow up the registration with their regular assurance activities.

8. Cloning Fraud

This is a fraud perpetuated by using the VAT Registration numbers of reputable companies. The modus operandi is that a person carries on business without registering himself but by using the VAT registration number of someone else. The dealer disappears without filing VAT returns as he obviously cannot file using the hijacked VAT registration number. The innocent buyer of goods from this dealer who claims Input Tax Credit on the purchases effected faces the prospect of his claim being disallowed at a later date when the officials discover that the invoice is bogus. The dealer whose number has been hijacked also has to face the demand for payment of the VAT on the bogus invoices raised in his name and has to convince the officials that he had not issued those invoices.

The report in the Guardian dated 17th August 2002 covers Cloning fraud as well.


"Others have developed a new method, hijacking, or "cloning" the VAT registration numbers of reputable companies. The innocent business with its VAT registration details hijacked knows nothing about it. But when the missing trader disappears with the VAT, the legitimate trader may find himself picking up the bill.

One trader, who wishes to remain anonymous, is attempting to claw back over £700,000 of VAT that customs are refusing to pay him after they discovered that the company he was buying from was using a cloned VAT registration number and had disappeared.

The businessman, who is taking customs to a VAT tribunal, faces ruin. "I have to appeal. But there's still a chance you lose. And if you lose, you're out of business."

Mr Mavin says: "Customs should concentrate on preventing fraudsters from registering for VAT, rather than going after innocent traders for the losses."

But a customs representative told the Guardian: "If somebody has been negligent themselves in not carrying out the checks or making sure they are not part of a fraud, then appropriate action is taken. Companies have to take responsibility for their own actions."

In addition, customs are using the civil courts to reclaim extraordinary amounts of missing VAT.

Last month, customs issued a civil writ against Stoke-on-Trent-based Stephen Hancock and Barbara Moran's off the shelf company Worldsoft Ltd, demanding a return of nearly £24m of VAT. To amass this amount of liability, they would have to have booked more than £135m of sales through this company in 50 days' trading - enough to rank it as one of Britain's biggest firms."

Relevance in Indian Context

The case of Missing Trader or Cloning also happens in a single point system of levy. Tax administrators in India will be familiar with "Bill Trading" whereby exemption is claimed as second sales based on an invoice with non-existent or bogus RC number.

The VAT information system should have a proper mechanism to monitor new registrations particularly with greater attention to the following:

1. By experience the officials will know the problem areas and commodities. New registration for business in the designated areas and in the designated commodities must be flagged as "Risk activity" for monitoring even at the time of registration.

2. Fraudulent persons will immediately come to know of the commodities being monitored and will avoid registering as dealers in the commodities being monitored. The tendency will therefore to register as dealers in some other commodity. The VAT information system should alert when the commodity reported in the monthly returns are different from the commodities declared at the time of registration.

3. The system should also cross check the commodities on which input tax credit is claimed by all dealers with the corresponding return of the selling dealers for the commodities sold.

4. The software must also provide for cross checking of output tax declared by dealers with the input tax credit claimed by other dealers as purchases from a particular dealer.

5. The software should have a proper alert mechanism in the VAT information system to track stop filers, new registrants declaring abnormally high sales in the initial months of registration.

6. From experience the officials will know that a particular type of fraud perpetuated is generally confined to a local area or a particular commodity. It may be noticed from experience that a fraud like, say, "Bill Trading" is replicated in a particular locality by more traders when they see another dealer successfully operating a "Bill Trading" network. Applications for new registration from particular areas or for particular commodities that have been identified should be carefully scrutinised.

7. The system should facilitate access to the dealers to verify their tax credit status and the proper recording of their returns, if not filed online by the dealers. The dealers should also have access to the list of dealers who have claimed input tax credit based on sales of the dealer so that "cloning" fraud may be detected by the dealer himself.

8. The software should be designed to analyse trends in tax credit and output tax declared commodity wise and should automatically alert in the case of a abnormal rise or fall in the tax credit availed/ output tax payments in any specific commodity.

9. The officials should watch out for offer of sale of goods at prices much cheaper that the prevailing market prices. Frauds have happened in the case of popular and fast moving goods. The fraudsters charge VAT in the bills and offer a VAT inclusive cheaper price with the intention of not paying VAT.

A recent instance is a warning by a reputed tyre company Michelin who had warned customers and distributors to be wary when offered truck tyres at extraordinarily low prices. Michelin is working with police and customs authorities in Europe as it appears that these low prices can only be the result of illegal activities believed to be VAT fraud.

10. More importantly it should be remembered that frauds cannot be perpetuated for long without the knowledge of some of the officials who are either ignorant of the provisions of law or for reasons best known to them choose to ignore certain happenings. So officials need to be trained on all aspect of detecting mistakes/malpractice/frauds early and be aware of the consequences to themselves and to the businesses solely of their failure to deter wrongdoings.

11. As part of the good governance initiative, the department may consider constituting a "Audit Committee" of experienced officials and experts drawn from outside the department to review the software and the MIS reports. The advantage of having outside experts with domain knowledge and experience in audit is that being an outsider not involved in the day to day routine of the department they will be able to analyse the data objectively.

This list is indicative and is not exhaustive. I am sure the department would have considered a lot more factors than what is listed here.

The department must take enough care in registering a dealer under VAT rather than penalising a genuine dealer at a later date.

Trade and Industry should carefully study the penal provisions in the draft VAT Act to ensure that there are no provisions penalising a genuine dealer for the inability or the delay on the part of the department in tracing a fraudster.

9. Repayment Fraud:

This is a device whereby someone registers a totally false VAT business with the aim of submitting false repayment returns.

Repayment fraud comprises the recovery of VAT on wholly fictitious or exaggerated transactions by a bogus business.

10. Multi cell repayment fraud:

This is a sophisticated version of the repayment fraud where someone sets up multiple bogus registration, each of which reclaims small amounts of VAT.

Repayment frauds can be detected only on personal inspection of newly registered businesses and periodical survey.

11. Misdescription of the VAT liability:

This occurs when supplies are recorded as zero-rated or subject to tax at a rate lower than that applicable to the relevant goods.

This can be detected by scrutiny of the returns filed. Wrong application of rate of tax may be also a genuine mistake on the part of the dealer. In the absence of a scrutiny of returns filed for every tax period, wrong application of rate of tax will be detected only at the time of final assessment and this will affect all dealers upstream and downstream in the supply chain. To have accountability on the part of the officials and to safeguard a genuine mistake in the application of the rate of tax, there should be a provision in the VAT Acts that no demand can be raised beyond six months from the date of filing of returns.

12. Contrived Insolvency and Fraudulent Liquidation:

Under this huge VAT liability is built up and the business is fraudulently liquidated.

Only seasoned and organised fraudsters will attempt this type of fraud. Stop filers need to be closely monitored to detect the fraud early.

13. Unregistered evader fraud:

This involves genuine traders who have turnovers above the VAT threshold but fail to register for VAT. These categories of tax evasion are usually concentrated in cash-based businesses.


The different types of VAT avoidance schemes encountered internationally may be categorised as follows:

1. Disintegration:

This involves artificial fragmentation of business into smaller units to keep the turnover below the threshold limit and avoid registration under the VAT.

This may happen in India probably only in the case of retail traders.

2. Partial Exemption:

Partial input tax credit is required to be calculated when tax paid inputs are either used in the manufacture partly of tax paid goods and partly exempt goods or when the goods purchased are sold partly to taxable entities and partly to exempt entities.

By exploiting the rules which apply to partly exempt supplies, traders recover substantially more tax than was intended.

This can be plugged by providing for practical rules of apportionment of input tax credit between taxable and exempt sales.


The 2002 pre budget report of UK Customs and Excise published on 27th November, 2002 highlights measures on tackling VAT losses and is very relevant in the Indian Context also. These losses - caused by fraud, avoidance, non-compliance and the failure of businesses to register for VAT - measured as the proportion of the VAT that should be collected - rose fastest in the early 1990s, but have stabilised over the past six years at 12 to 14.5 per cent.

Extracts from the report:

Tackling VAT losses

"Protecting indirect tax revenues also sets out the first ever concerted strategy to tackle the VAT revenue losses, which have a wide variety of causes from deliberate fraud and avoidance to simple error, which have been a standing feature of the VAT system for more than a decade.

Supported by the deployment of 1,000 staff to key problem areas, Customs will expand the support they give to help businesses meet their VAT liabilities, while cracking down hard on those who choose not to comply, who engage in abusive tax avoidance schemes, or who try to defraud the revenue.

This strategy is designed to reduce the proportion of VAT which goes uncollected, and produce more than £2 billion per year in additional VAT revenues by 2005-06 which – instead of being lost – will go to support increased investment and improvement in the public services. This is the Government's aim, but in line with the audited approach underlying public finances, it is incorporating a lower figure in the Pre-Budget Report public finance forecast. "

The VAT strategy

Summary of the VAT strategy

The key measures, which will deliver the VAT strategy, are as follows:

    1. The deployment of 1,000 staff both to enhance existing efforts in the key problem areas and provide the resources for the new activities described below;

    2. A new out-reach programme designed to get businesses, especially newly-registered ones, into a sustained pattern of voluntary compliance;

    3. A broader-based, intelligence-led, risk-based approach to tackling non-compliance, based on improved analysis of the patterns of non-compliance, and targeting of resources on high-risk sectors of the economy;

    4. An increase in the use of deposits and guarantees to secure timely VAT payments from businesses with histories of persistent non-compliance;

    5. A one-off, short-term scheme where unregistered businesses operating above the VAT threshold will be able to obtain relief on their penalties if they come forward for registration voluntarily;

    6. followed by a tough crackdown – alongside Inland Revenue – on those businesses who continue operating above the registration threshold but outside the VAT system;

    7. The recruitment of a number of new highly-specialised anti-avoidance experts with proven ability to identify and shut down legislative loopholes and abusive tax avoidance schemes;

    8. The inclusion – alongside the Regulatory Impact Assessments which accompany new legislation – of a specific avoidance impact assessment, explaining the elements included to prevent avoidance and the steps taken to make the legislation avoidance-proof;

    9. A substantial increase both in the speed with which avoidance schemes are identified, and in the number of schemes challenged;

    10. A stepping up of efforts to prevent bogus traders from registering, identify those already on the register, stop their frauds before they grow, and recover VAT Missing Trader debts from the fraudsters; and

    11. The use of Customs’ specialist investigators, with proven track records in dismantling organised criminal operations, to target the gangs behind Missing Trader Fraud.

The purpose of this article is not to cause alarm but to draw attention to international experience in tackling VAT leakage and evasion.



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