1 |
Short title and commencement |
2 |
Definitions |
II - Tax Authorities and Appellate Tribunal |
3-7 |
Tax authorities |
8 |
Appellate Tribunal |
9 |
Levy of composition tax on registered dealer |
10 |
Interval and manner of payment of composite tax |
11 |
Books of Accounts to be maintained by the dealer
for making payment of composite tax and filing
of return |
12 |
Works Contract |
13 |
Requirement of maintenance of registers and books
of accounts for availing Input Tax Credit |
14 |
Credit of Input Tax within the tax period by the
Commissioner |
15 |
Manner of the reversing of Input Tax Credit |
16 |
Condition for adjustment of Input Tax Credit in
respect of goods return etc. |
17 |
Stock brought forward during transition |
IV - Registration of dealers, amendment and cancellation
of registration certificate |
18 |
Registration of dealers, amendment and cancellation
of registration certificate |
19 |
Grant of duplicate copy of registration certificate |
20 |
Amendment of registration certificate |
21 |
Information on the death of a dealer |
22 |
Replacement of certificate of registration under
the earlier sales tax law |
23 |
Cancellation of registration certificate under
sub-section (8) of Section 31 |
24 |
For the purpose of sub-section (1) and sub-section
(8) of Section 31, the following conditions and
restrictions shall apply |
25 |
Security to be furnished |
26 |
Imposition of penalty for failure by the dealer
to get himself registered |
27 |
Information to be furnished under Section 103 |
28 |
Manner of suspension of registration certificate
under sub-section (10) of Section 31 |
29 |
Liability to obtain registration and to furnish
information by transporter under Section 80 |
V |
30 |
Manner of submission of periodical returns and
payment of tax under Section 35 |
(1) OF SECTION 16. |
31 |
Payment of tax in advance under Section 35 |
32 |
Scrutiny of returns |
33 |
Manner of completion of provisional assessment |
34 |
Self assessment |
35 |
36 |
Best judgment assessment |
37 |
Assessment of dealer who fails to get himself
registered |
38 |
Payment and recovery of tax, penalty and interest
under Sections 35, 60 and 107 |
39 |
Special provisions relating to deduction of tax
at source in certain cases |
40 |
Information to be given to the Prescribed Authority
in case of execution of contract under Section
106 |
41 |
Tax deduction certificate |
42 |
Refund of excess payment of tax, penalty or interest |
43 |
Manner of payment of interest by the Commissioner
for delayed payment of refund. |
44 |
Manner of making provisional refund to exporters
who export out of the territory of India |
45 |
Maintenance of accounts and records |
46 |
Tax Invoice |
47 |
Retail Invoice |
48 |
Credit and Debit Notes |
49 |
Audit of Accounts |
VII - Inspection of accounts and documents and search
of premises and establishment of check-posts |
50 |
Manner of releases of the books of accounts etc. |
51 |
Fees payable for providing true copies of the
seized documents etc. |
52 |
Procedure for disposal of seized goods by open
auction |
53 |
Documents to be carried by owner or the person
in charge of a goods vehicle to be produced at
the Check-post for the purpose as provided under
Sections 75,76 and 77 |
54 |
Particulars to be included in a trip-sheet or
a log book of goods vehicle |
55 |
Particulars to be furnished by a carrier or by
a bailee |
56 |
Transit Pass to be carried by goods vehicle passing
through the State or to any place outside State |
57 |
Form for obtaining permission for taking delivery
of taxable goods consign through Rail, River,
Air or Post from a place outside the State |
58 |
Restrictions and conditions in respect of import
of goods into the State by Rail, River, Air or
Post or any other place |
VIII - Appeal and Revision |
59 |
Manners of filing appeals |
60 |
Manner and Form of filing appeals to the Appellate
Tribunal for the purpose of Section 69 |
61 |
Payment of tax and penalty consequent upon rectification
of orders |
IX - Offence and Penalties |
62 |
Conditions for causing investigation of offences
under Section 95 |
63 |
Manner of assessment, re-assessment and imposition
of Penalty |
X - Miscellaneous |
64 |
Manner of declaration of dealer’s business
manager |
65 |
Power to write off demand under Section 97 |
66 |
Determination of disputed questions |
67 |
Fees payable for appeal, revision, review and
other miscellaneous applications or petitions
as required for the purpose of Section 109 |
68 |
Liability in case of transfer of business |
69 |
Liability of contractor or sub-contractor to tax |
70 |
Collection of Tax only by dealers under Section
61 |
71 |
Display of signboard |
72 |
Service of notice |
73 |
Manner of issue of clearance certificate to a
dealer or person under Section 115 |
74 |
Method of payment of dues under the Act |
75 |
Conditions for dealers dealing in goods where
tax is levied on purchase |
76 |
Assessment of dealers dealing in goods other than
Vatable goods under Section 6 and Section 47 |
XI - Repeal and savings |
77 |
Statement of claim of Input Tax Credit in respect
of goods purchased under Repealed Acts, held in
stock on the appointed day |
78 |
Manner of adjustment of Input Tax Credit in respect
of stock brought forward during transition |
79 |
Preservation of assessment records for the purpose
of sub-section (8) of Section 84 |